Anxious and Nervous Patients
Dental Sedation
Dental anxiety keeps countless people in the Rotherham area from receiving essential dental treatments, from fillings to tooth extractions, preventing them from doing basic things such as eating or taking comfortably. These treatments are necessary for good oral health and overall wellbeing.
The team at Stag Dental Care offers the relaxing option of Intravenous sedation dentistry to resolve this problem.
Why Choose Dental Sedation?
Dental Sedation may be right for you if you exhibit or have experienced any of the following:
Dental anxiety
Dental Phobia
Previous traumatic dental experiences
Complex dental issues
Dr Hussain was trained in sedation at the world renowned Guy’s Hospital in London. He currently carries out between 25 – 30 dental sedations per month in the Rotherham area.
For more information about qualified sedation dentistry services,
contact us
for a consultation with Dr Hussain.
Dental Acupuncture
Dr Shaid Hussain also carries out dental acupuncture on anxious patients. Dr Hussain activates key acupressure point that are found on the head that help reduce the feeling of anxiety and also reduce the severity of a patients gag reflex. This helps patients feel more relaxed when they are having their dental procedures.
The points are activated just before your dental treatment starts, while you are lying in the dental chair and remain active throughout the procedure. We have found it has helped many of our patients from the extremely nervous to the mildly apprehensive.
Dental Acupuncture can be carried out by Dr Hussain before any dental procedure with either himself or your chosen Dentist or Therapist.